I am often amazed, challenged, inspired & sometimes dazzled about the things that can come up in a Kinesiology session. For my clients, but also for myself.
I had a session last week, which was phenomenal. Most of what came up in this session was quite unexpected, the balancing techniques needed were awesomely varied & the results enlightening, exhilarating, producing a profound sense of freedom.
Now, many of the issues that came up were old ones. The stuff I thought I’d dealt with.
One of the major lessons I have learnt about old stuff resurfacing & Kinesiology, is that it will come up in different ways, in varied layers & only when we are ready for the next layer to be cleared.
My Kinesiologist last week lovingly called this “leftovers”.
The term “Leftovers” is absolutely perfect in describing what came up.
Many of my clients, in session, when a particular issue or person or theme comes up, will say,
“But I’ve already dealt with that!!!”
I do too.
We often have particular things that will keep coming up in different sessions, because there are many layers of clearing needed to release different aspects of dealing with the issue, person or situation.
Human beings, in fact all life forms, are constantly seeking balance, harmony, equilibrium. The Chinese view the whole Universe as Yin/ Yang. Each has a polarity, but needs each other to be a complete unit. Neither Yin, nor Yang can stand alone. Our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & energetic beings, when out of balance, will often look to the opposite extreme, the polarity to find balance.
In Kinesiology, we have many many techniques which utilise these principals.
We actually call a Kinesiology session a balance!!
In the world we live in, nature functions in a spiral manner. So there is always giving & receiving. This type of energy is all around us & inside of us. There is a delicate balancing act in order for us to feel stable, grounded, connected. There are polarities, negative & positive energies which need to be in harmony.
Both our inner & outer worlds work with spiral energy.
In our outer environment, the weather patterns, the currents of the oceans, the solar system involve spiral patterns of giving & receiving.
In our inner environments, our DNA, our fingerprints involve spiral energy. Our thoughts, actions, emotions, all involve patterns of giving & receiving in our actions.
So in reference to the “leftovers”, in life we often stumble over the same or a similar kind of lesson. We go through several stages of growth with everything we do, in a spiral pattern.
So rather than thinking or feeling like we are going around in circles, we can approach this from a perspective that we are on a spiral path of awareness.
On our spiral pattern of growth, we may hit a roadblock. As we learn the next stage of a lesson, we are able to pass that point on the spiral in a more gentle & easy manner. And clearing these roadblocks allows us to learn new aspects of a lesson & move towards where we want to be with less stress.
The thing I find most fascinating about these “leftovers”, is that the reason they came to the surface in this way, was all because my body didn’t want to take a supplement for my adrenals!!!! The need for the supplement came up in a previous balance to increase energy levels.
The irony is, my energy levels were being depleted on an energetic level, (not at first on a physical level), because of these “leftovers”. So my body has been trying to process the “leftovers”, through increasing physical energy, but not allowing itself to because of the energetic ‘leftovers’.
All aspects of my being needed to be balanced to allow the processing to happen, so I could feel more energised.
Well, I had to laugh!!!! Actually, we both had a laugh, a good laugh about it.
The energy of these “leftovers” was circling around, circling around, until it found the right avenue, the right pathway to progress. To progress along a spiral path of growth, rather than a path of going around in circles.
Do you have any issues that seem to keep going around in circles?