Creative Writes
creative writes

Gender Euphoria… Excerpt From a Memoir
First year of a Bachelor of Arts in Performance Studies…a two minute class exercise… perform an everyday activity in two minutes. This class was focused on playing with the interconnected dynamic between performer and audience, posing the question: who is looking at...
Duality, Nonduality of Panic & Resilience
Have you ever felt panicked or anxious? What story do you tell yourself when you’re in the middle of it? When you dig...
The Duality of Connection and Disconnection
Acts of Kindness During Christmas and Beyond – About a week ago, I had a friend message me to check in with me, in acknowledgement that . . .
Embodying Presence
Ten years ago, around this time of year, I was presenting my graduate performance choreography, “In The Absence of...
Shame Resilience: My Mother’s Day Experience
For me, Mother's Day reminds me of two things. My feelings towards my own mother and my feelings about not being a...
Year of the Monkey, bringing the fun in!
For about the last 6 weeks in Kinesiology sessions with clients, insights and messages keep flooding in about finding...
The Magical Worry Box
During one of my first units in my Diploma of Kinesiology – quite some time ago now, I was introduced to this...