Have you ever felt confused by your behaviour or how you are functioning?
Ever thought, “I don’t usually behave this way?” or “Why won’t my left leg work?” You may be surrogating.
When we hear the word surrogate, we usually think of a woman who has agreed to carry a child in her womb for someone else.
Well it’s a similar concept in a kinesiology, but not quite the same thing.
Like I do most weeks, I had a wonderful practice session with one of my fellow Kinesiologists.
We were working away, and on separate occasions, it turned out I was surrogating, firstly for a family member, and then for her – my fellow Kinesiologist!!! And on top of that, within surrogating for her, one of my organs was also surrogating for another!
So what is surrogation – in terms of a Kinesiology session?
We surrogate, or take on the problems of others for several reasons. Either because we want to help someone or help a situation or because we are avoiding dealing with our own stuff, or we may be too empathetic…..or a combination of the of any of these!!!!
In our practice this time, I was pretty much wanting to avoid my own stuff!
When a person surrogates for another, they usually have something in common, like an emotion or a situation & its like who they are gets confused. So the confusion can become – Who’s problem is it?
Functioning becomes confused.
If I surrogate for a friend who is going through a traumatic time, I can take on her problem & feel her pain as if its my own. I am affected by the process.
So the question becomes, “Am I functioning as myself or someone else?”

You may even surrogate for a group mindset, often to fit in at work or with a group of friends. Like peer pressure.
We may not just surrogate for others. There may be a part of us that is taking on the issues for another part of us. As an example, one muscle may surrogate for another muscle. It may surrogate for an organ. An acupuncture point may surrogate for another to help in some way. If you fell off your bike onto your knee, the other knee may surrogate for it by compensating to adjust.
In the midst of a Kinesiology session, surrogation is something I test for fairly frequently. And it often shows up, especially for those of you out there who are naturally inclined to want to help.
Do you think you could be surrogating in some way? Maybe trying to deal with stuff that is not your responsibility?
Book in a session & see if you are functioning as yourself, or as someone else. Is this your issue, or someone else’s?
If you would like more information or to book an appointment please contact me, or you can visit me on Facebook